Rose Drawing

Happy Monday y’all! Hope everyone has a great day! I’m heading back up to the elementary class I’ve been doing my observation for about the last week and kinda sad it’s my last day. At least I know I’ll be back soon (fingers crossed!). Anyways, since it’s now Valentines Week I thought I would show off my “Rose Drawing.” So, let’s get started… Continue reading “Rose Drawing”

Dr. Ph. Martin’s Watercolors

It’s Write It Wednesday!

Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! Yesterday I played around with some other type of watercolors I purchased a few weeks ago, but am just not getting around to playing with them. These are the Dr. Ph. Martin’s Watercolors. What’s different with these compared to Ecoline’s Watercolors is they have dropper lids. I decided since there’s a couple of Mardi Gras parade here in the city this weekend I would do Mardi Gras things today. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Dr. Ph. Martin’s Watercolors”