Happy Birthday To ME!!
Today’s my birthday!!! So I’m celebrating this year by making it my “birthday week” all week-long! 😛 I thought it would be the perfect day to make it Launch Day. I’m super excited but also very new at this so please bare with me as I start my new journey.
Though I thought I would be doing my absolute dream by now, I have always believed “Everything Happens For A Reason.” I believe I am where I am supposed to be and will get where I am going at the right time.
I won’t disclose how old I am today but I will say I have been through a lot. I won’t go too much in-depth right now but as a quick overview of my life, here it is.
My dad has never been able to drive. He’s legally blind. All his life he has depended on someone to drive him to wherever he needed/wanted to go. My mom at the age of 50 had a hemorrhagic stroke where they told us if she survived she would never walk, talk, eat, or do anything by herself again. My sister met her husband here in our hometown but now lives Turkey.
I have two degrees, one in Psychology and the other in Marine Science. I have always wanted to work with marine animals. Until recently I worked at a small zoo not to far from where I live. I absolutely loved it there and wish I didn’t have to resign. Unfortunately, I started having health problems related to my scoliosis. Starting in 2011, I started having severe pain in my hip.
After years of physical therapy, going to doctor after doctor because PT wasn’t working, I finally found one that did more tests and found I had a torn ligament and bone spur. Last year I was finally able to have the surgery to fix both, unfortunately my pain has come back causing me to have to resign from the best job ever!
So to make long story short, and leave more for later, since I started brush calligraphy in February thanks to my sister, I decided starting this blog could be the best thing ever. It might not be my “dream” job but who knows where it will take me….
Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you back here again. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me and I will try to answer as quickly as possible.
Please be sure to check out my other posts for each day of the week if you have not done so yet. Be sure to sign up for my e-mails at the bottom of this page.
Have a great day!!
Be sure to Follow me on Instagram @craftyjbird
Also be sure to ‘like’ me on Facebook! Link at bottom of the page.
Thank you!!