Once we finally made it to Dallas on Saturday we just kinda of took it easy. Sunday was the super long day. Originally, we were going to go eat to celebrate my birthday, Father’s Day, and the celebration for my brother-in-law with it being the end of the Ramazan month for him.
For lunch we ended up eating at Village Burgers in the West Village Shopping Center and then we were going to go eat at Benihana a hibachi grill since I love fried rice. Unfortunately we ended up waiting until yesterday for luch to eat there due to some very odd, should not have happened, events.
What Happened:
So, after eating lunch Sunday my sister, mom, and I decided to stay at the apartment while my dad and brother-in-law went to look at furniture up in the Frisco area (30-45 minute drive depending on traffic). They left and we were all good. Then my brother-in-law calls my sister something about not having the dongle key thing for the car. It was totally weird since the car is not suppose to run with out the key since it’s keyless. Gosh dar n it! They some how managed to make it all the way up to the furniture store without any problems until they realized they didn’t have the key and was afraid it wouldn’t start since they couldn’t find the key they should have had.
Donut Time!:
Of course, I was the one who had to drive all the way up there to give them the dongle key thing. (YAY!) Got there and I manged to find me some donuts right there in the parking lot at the furniture store (YUM!) My original plan was to get some and take them back to the apartment for my mom, sister, and I to enjoy while the guys were shopping. Of course while I was close, I had to run by my aunts and cousins to see if they were home (BOO, no luck). So I finally started back to my sisters place.
Opps! By the time I got there one the pack of dozen in the bag I got also was left. Have I mentioned I really hate Dallas traffic?! This is why when I move back I plan on being super close to where I am going to be teaching and not get stuck in traffic forever and a day. I mean seriously, I’ve worked too hard!
Monday Funday:
I finally got my fried rice, shrimp, and scallops. (YAY ME!) Of course, I can have fried rice anytime I want seeing that is one of the very few items I can cook. Unfortunately, no one want to eat it here much since I didn’t name it “Jenn’s Cajun Fried Rice” for no reason. ?
So, while we were at the hibachi restaurant I had my fried rice and then I got some ice cream. (YUMMY YUMMY!) Here’s a quick video of the fried rice being made in front of us.
Cake and Presents Time:
After lunch we went back to the apartment to get ready to leave but of course we had to have birthday again along with presents my sister and brother-in-law got me. Pictures of those will be coming soon! Super excited!
There you go! How my “Birthday Weekend” in the Big D went with all the yummy things I got to eat. Time to get back on the treadmill. (JOY! ?)
Need an awesome getaway to make all your creative projects? Check out Memory Lane Inn for a great weekend away!
Have any questions about today’s “Random Tuesday” “Birthday Weekend!” post? Please feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Crafty JBird
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