Cricut’s Summer Planner Monthly Inserts and Stickers

Happy Make It Monday Y’all!!

The weekend went a bit too fast for me but then again; it’s one day closer to Thursday! Come back to find out why! A couple of weeks ago I showed how to make Cricut’s Summer Planner Day-by-Day inserts. This week, I am going to show how to make Cricut’s Summer Planner Monthly Inserts and Stickers.

These are just as easy as the day-to-day inserts just takes a little more time for the monthly inserts to finish since they are split into two sides making 24 sheets of cardstock to be printed and cut. For the stickers, you can choose to make them actual stickers or just cut them on cardstock. Continue reading “Cricut’s Summer Planner Monthly Inserts and Stickers”

Olympics Countdown

It’s Make It MONDAY!!

The Olympics Countdown for the opening has started! It is ONLY three days until the Opening Ceremony now so times a ticking. If you have read my previous posts, you would know I was planning on doing an add-on to one of them. As you have already probably figured out, it’s something that has to do with the Olympics. The ‘add-on’ project is from my “Make It Monday” on the Fourth of July, which you can find here.

I know I said I was going to finish the project from last week; however, I completely forgot this week was the start of the games so the continuation of that project is now for next weeks post.

Continue reading “Olympics Countdown”

Summer Planner Inserts

Happy Make It Monday Y’all!!

We made it to another week!

Today I made Cricut’s Summer Planner Day-by-Day inserts. I thought it was really fun and cute; so I decided I would make this planner for the rest of my summer plans and through next year. I love how it has a place to keep track of how much H2O you drink and meal planning. Though I could keep track on my phone for such, I tend to do a better job tracking by using the old fashion way of just writing/marking it down. Continue reading “Summer Planner Inserts”

Anchors Away Clipboard

Happy Make It Monday!!

Well, we are at the beginning of yet another week!  Hope everyone is having an awesome Monday!  Mine started off rough; but it shall get better ?

Today I have made a clipboard with Anchors on it.  Since I love the water so much I thought it was very appropriate for this post in July ⚓️⚓️.  This is another simple and inexpensive project.

So here we go… Continue reading “Anchors Away Clipboard”

Father’s Day Gift

It’s Make It Monday again!

So for my Father’s Day Gift, I made my dad a new bag to carry his stuff back and forth from his office. I decided he needed a new one since he seemed to be missing his old bag that broke and the replacements he had went up in flames when our warehouse burned down. Once I actually got started on making it (I had it planned for over a month), it went fairly quick.

A small back story on what the bag is for other than work — my dad owns and runs a fitness company which manufacturers and distributes fitness equipment all over the United States. He started the business back in the early 2000s. He owns 3 brand names with equipment he has designed himself with the help of a few of his employees and of course, his daughters and wife, throughout the years. Continue reading “Father’s Day Gift”