Young Living Slique Challenge

Howdy Oily Thursday!

It’s one more day closer to the New Year!! ? Hope everyone is getting ready because ready or not here 2017 come! So, Random Tuesday I talked about my New Years Resolutions and one of them was about the Young Living Slique Challenge I’m participating in for the month of January. I decided I would tell you about the products I will be using. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Young Living Slique Challenge”

Oily Ornaments

Howdy Oily Thursday!!

It’s almost Friday which means this week we are one day closer to Christmas!! Ready or not it’s coming! For those traveling already, safe travels! Alright so Monday I showed how t make some Beach Ornaments, today I’m going to make some bath salt oily ornaments for relaxing; which I’m sure we will all need once everything is all said and done for this Christmas season. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Oily Ornaments”

Christmas Time Scents

Ho Ho Ho Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I know everyone is most likely ready for the weekend, unless of course you still have to work on the weekends. Sorry bout that! Well, it’s Oily Thursday once again and I’ve got some Christmas Time Scents for you! These smell so awesomely great in the diffuser, you have got to try them! Let’s get started!… Continue reading “Christmas Time Scents”

Oily Hot/Cold Packs

Hellooooo Oily Thursday!

Hope y’all are having a great week! We have almost made it to Friday! Yay!! It has also been officially a week since my surgery day. I have physical therapy again this morning so at least I get to get out of the house. I feel like I’ve been trying to do a little too much since it’s just been me during the day here with the animals. Anyways, if y’all saw my “Write It Wednesday” post yesterday, you’re probably wondering why I have written some essential oil names on some of the rice bags. Well I’m gonna tell you, so without further ado, here’s to Oily Hot/Cold Packs…

Continue reading “Oily Hot/Cold Packs”

Surgery Day Protocol

Happy Oily Thursday!

So, as you are reading this I am probably already at the hospital and most likely in surgery. After surgery I’ll stay for a couple of hours and then come home. Though I will take any medications my doctor gives me for today and tomorrow, as soon as I’m awake enough I’ll start using my Surgery Day Protocol. During the last few days I have slowly been making various potions and capsules to help get me ready for not having to make them after the fact. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Surgery Day Protocol”