“Horses of the Sea” aka Seahorses as their common name with their scientific name Hippocampus. Nope, not the Hippocampus that’s part of our brain. Seahorses can live one to five years in the wild and there are about 35 species worldwide.
How They Eat:
Seahorses eat the planktons and small crustaceans using their long snouts eating more than 3,000 of the little things a day. Their small fins flutter about 35 times per second! Now that pretty fast! They use their curled up tail at the end to hook themselves around the seagrass allowing them to be anchored down get their food.
Did you know… female Seahorses do not give the birth of the baby seahorses? The males actually do. This is what I find so fascinating, though I’m not sure why. However, the males actually carry the eggs in their pouch until they hatch. So the next time you visit an aquarium or zoo and you see a pregnant looking seahorse — it’s the male. A couple – male and female – mate for life and once the eggs in the male’s pouch hatch, they can be pregnant again that night.
There you go, a little information about the “Horses of the Sea.” Hope you enjoyed and learned something new.
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Crafty JBird
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National Geographic. Seahorses. Retrieved May 26, 2017.