Oh, Random Tuesday!
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! For the most part, I’ll be packing my scrapbook things up and work on getting ready for the retreat my mom and I are heading to on Thursday. I am so excited to see everyone I wish it was a week-long event! ? For those that I will be seeing on Thursday, I know y’all agree! Anyways, today I am going to talk about “How My Test Went” because well, it’s either that, walk on the treadmill until I can’t breathe, or eat a bunch of junk food <– before I get to the retreat. You’ve been warned — this is a long post. So, let’s get started…
After making my “Study Schedule,” creating notecards on “Quizlet,” and studying non-stop except to walk on the treadmill, eat, and sleep for 5-6 hours a night, last Wednesday was finally my “Test Day.” Needless to say, I was nervous enough as it was especially since I am not and have never been a very good test taker despite the fact I know, I know the information. You now on the website they give you all this information on what to expect, what to bring, what not to bring, etc.
Day Before Test Day:
You now on the website they give you all this information on what to expect, what to bring, what not to bring, etc. Tuesday morning before we left the house, I made sure I had my passport since the ‘what to bring’ said you need to two types of photo ID. Finally, we left to head over to the city where I was scheduled to take my test. We got checked into the hotel and I reviewed the various things again.
Once my sister arrived, we went to a few places and then went back to the hotel and had dinner. I reviewed a little more than finally went to sleep.
How My Test Went:
Wednesday morning, I woke up about 430am, finally got up about 515am. I then got dressed, gathered my things, and went downstairs for breakfast. Since I had to be at the testing center by 730am and I have an issue of being early to everything, I was there by 715am.
Checking In:
When I got there, I had to show them my license but that was all despite what I had read said two forms of ID. Then they had me remove my rain jacket and hang it up. Okay, no big deal. I had another jacket on since I know I get cold easily, as well as my scarf in case my legs got cold since they are always cold. Then I had to put everything — my purse and bag I had with snacks and bottled water — in a locker. Again, no big deal.
I had another jacket on since I know I get cold easily, as well as my scarf in case my legs got cold since they are always cold. Talk about being in absolute shock when I was told I could take my scarf in with me and if I took my jacket off I would have to hang it on the back of my chair. DO WHA!!? Then I had to put everything — my purse and bag I had with snacks and bottled water — in a locker. Again, no big deal.
What got again me after signing a form and rewriting a paragraph — no less — was the security wand, checking my pockets, having me lift my shirt slightly to check for any pockets on my leggings I was wearing, and then taking my fingerprints from both index fingers, as well as taking a photo. Okay, I understand security and don’t mind it a bit, but it’s not like I’m trying to get security clearance for working at such Stennis in Mississippi or the Pentagon. I mean seriously!
Anyways, just be warned if you are going to take this test and already have test anxiety like me, you will be more nervous than ever after you go through their ‘security.’ Luckily, if I have to take any of the portions over again, I know what to expect.
Taking the Test:
Since I signed a disclosure and rewrote the paragraph about repeating what was on the test, I will not be talking about the questions. However, I don’t remember it saying so for everything else. So here we go.
Section One:
For the English section, you have an hour and forty-five minutes to complete seventy-five questions. I managed to finish this section and have time to check all the ones I marked. Even though I marked questions to go back to I made sure I selected an answer just in case I didn’t have the time. For some reason at the end, it showed I had six-seven unanswered questions. Not cool!
Section Two:
On the Mathematics section, you have an hour to complete forty-seven questions. Somehow I managed to spend a little too much time on a couple so, by the time I got the last eight-ten questions, I was cutting it close. I started just skimming the questions and making my best guess. Literally, on the last question I marked my answer and time was up! Hopefully, there won’t be a round two of this section if any, and I will be ready.
Section Three:
During the Social Studies section, you have thirty-five minutes to complete forty-one questions. By this point, I really wanted to take a break but since they said when you take a break they have to do the fingerprints and what not again, I decided by the time they do that going out and coming back in, that’s ten minutes of my time gone. So, unfortunately, I did not take a single break, unless you count rolling my eyes when the coughing chain went off around the room. Despite having ear plugs in, I could still hear them and every time it would cause me to lose concentration.
Section Four:
For the Science section, you have forty minutes to complete fifty-two questions. By this section, I was in a daze from staring at the computer screen for so long. Though I was pretty sure if I there was only one section I would pass, it would be the science. I mean I only have two degrees in science right?! WRONG! By the time I left, I was pretty sure this section was the hardest. My mom and sister said I probably over thought on a lot of them because when it comes to my science stuff that’s what I do.
Section Five:
My eyes at this point were watering and just wanted to go to sleep. I think I actually almost feel asleep for a second or two. For the Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education section, you have forty minutes to complete fifty-two question just as the Science section. I though this section was certainly going to beat me. Just like with the English section, I managed to finish with time to go back and check my marked answers.
I am certainly glad it is over and hope I do not have to take it again. Unfortunately, I have a feeling I will be retaking a couple of the sections. As I left the test, they took my fingerprints again to make sure they matched with the ones I came in with as well as took another picture to verify they matched. I gathered my things out of my locker, found my car keys and I was out of there! By the time I met up with my mom and sister, I was still shaking from nervousness.
For the next couple of weeks, I am going to be a nervous wreck! Apparently, for all the tests taken during the month of March, we won’t get our test scores until April 14th. At least that is the date we have been given as I am getting ready to schedule this post on March 30th.
After the Test:
All I really wanted to do was go to sleep. Of course, I also wanted to do that after I had my pizza I had been putting off getting since I started studying for this test. After we had pizza, we went back to the hotel, took a nap, and then got ready to go see Beauty and the Beast at the Studio Movie Grill. If y’all have not seen that movie, you really need to! It’s super great!
There you go. If you are getting ready to take this test or any TExES test this basically sums it up based on someone who has bad test anxiety. For those who may be wondering, yes I had my essential oils on, I’m just not disclosing where. Sorry so long, hope you enjoyed!
Have any questions today’s “Random Tuesday” “How My Test Went” post? Please feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Crafty JBird