Things Used:
- iMindMap
- TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (291) Prep Book
“Test Retake:”
So, last week I showed off my mind maps I had been creating by hand. Unfortunately, my hand started getting tired from all the writing and I was going through a lot of paper. Luckily for me, I decided to head on over to Tony Buzan’s iMindMap website to see if there was by chance a free trial version I could use since I’ve been putting off purchasing the full version for years. I was in luck and download the free version; unfortunately, it only lasts a week. So I guess it’s time to break down and purchase the program.
I think I’ve mentioned this before in my first post about mind maps, but I’ll go ahead and say it again. When I was first introduced to the concept in 2009, I wasn’t too sure about it. But after playing around with it for a test while at USM-GC, I realized it was a great way for me to remember things. I don’t particularly use the concept often, but when I do, I surprise myself every time when how much I manage to understand so much better than before without making a mind map. This concept is used all over the world and based in the UK. The funny thing is, even my brother in law who lives in Turkey, uses it; or at least he was for his previously position at his work.
How It Works:
Though I’m still getting used to the program part of mindmapping and haven’t quite figured out how to add all the graphics I see on all these others people have made. My guess is they have the full paid program and I don’t. Anyways, the concept is simple. You first add your ‘Main Concept’ in the middle and then add ‘branches’ coming off of it. For each separate topic under the ‘main concept,’ you add more ‘branches’ where you can add either pictures or just simple words to help you remember those topics. You can also like I have been doing, add almost everything under that section.
Since I’ve been studying for my “test retake,” I’m been going through each competency for each subject I am retaking and making separate mind maps for each section. Yes, I have a lot of maps I have created in just a week. I’m not quite finished, but almost have everything done. Above is a screenshot of the one I just finished. Even though I would love to add all those graphics, I certain don’t have the time at the moment. I am thinking of a lot of other ways to use the program as I am typing this.
Go ahead and check out their website and download your free version today!
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Have any questions about today’s “Random Tuesday” “iMindMap” post? Feel free to comment below! Hope you enjoyed!
Crafty JBird
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