Things Used:
- Mosaic Moments Tasty Freeze page kit
- Adhesive
- Scissors
Step #1:
As you can see, the first thing I did was add the yellow pieces to their spots on the double page layout kit.
Step #2:
Next, I add the white pieces to their spots on the double page layout. Though before adding them I used the ribbon that came with the kit and made two bow looking pieces by tieing a knot on on piece towards one end, using my adhesive to attach it them cutting the piece of ribbon to give me the second piece and doing the same as the first.
Step #3:
Once I had my ribbon and white pieces in their places, I added the two pieces of pink cardstock in their spots.
Step #4:
Finally, I added the ice cream borders on both sides of the double page layout kit.
And there you go, another quick page that could be easily finished wherever you go scrapbooking. Need pictures printed but don’t have time or access to the right printer? Visit Snapfish for all your photo needs. You can even use their website for storing all your pictures and sorting them in albums, so you know what is what. Also, don’t forget to go through eBates for a 10% cash back for Snapfish and other various stores.
Have any questions about today’s “Snap ‘N Crop”/”Mosaic Moments” double page kit? Please feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Need a place to getaway for the weekend?! Check out Memory Lane Inn! The retreat houses are awesome with so many things included it’s crazy! My scrapbook crew visits on a yearly basis; however, my mom and I visit a couple more times a year at least when we get the chance.
Crafty JBird
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