Practice, Practice, Practice

It’s Write It Wednesday!!

When I first started brush calligraphy back in March 2016, I was using my 9 by 12 Canson Marker paper pad like crazy. I was going to Michael’s Craft Store across the street so much, everyone knows me now. So by April I started using something else to practice my brush calligraphy. If you like me, you are always like “Practice, Practice, Practice!”

Practice, Practice, Practice!!

What do I use now you ask? Canson’s larger 14 by 17 marker pad. I purchase it from and I just love it for the most part at least. It would be nice to have something to make it easier to carry it for when it cools off a bit here to go sit out at Starbucks or something. <– Still working on that!

Things You’ll Need:

  • Canson Marker Pad
  • Tombow Dual Brush Pens
  • Laser or Ruler
  • Patients

Practice, Practice, Practice -- Visit for more infoWhen I was still working at the zoo, before starting this blog, I would get up every morning to give myself enough time to practice the words of the day for the challenges I had decided to do at the time found on Instagram. I wanted to be sure I got my practice finished in the mornings since some days I didn’t have time at lunch and by the time I would get home, I was wiped out. Above are just a few samples of what my practice sheets look like.

    Practice, Practice, Practice -- Visit for more info      Practice, Practice, Practice -- Visit for more info

It only takes me about 20-25 minutes to practice writing each word for the challenges. First thing I do is pick a color or decide on two colors to blend. Then, I just start writing the word. The first few words don’t usually come out so great, but by the time I’m finished I know how I want to write the word before posting.
Code Expires September 6, 2016

This month I’ve been in the #HappyLetteringChallenge and today’s word is “BEAUTIFUL.” I decided to blend two colors. A dark pink and medium blue which apparently give it that purplish color in the blended words. By the way, if you are looking for a great challenge to practice your lettering with, #happyletteringchallenge is an awesome one! I also plan on coming up with one once I have more time…

Here is a video showing my work for today’s word:









If you are new to calligraphy or brush calligraphy, the key to getting better is: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

When I go a few days without practicing I tend to lose the way I like to do some of my letters. Just also be cautious, lots of practicing also means your wrist could and probably will start hurting. I like to wrap my wrist sometimes when this happens to me so I don’t hurt it any further.

Here’s my video for the final that will be posted for the challenge:





And finally, here is my word for the day:

Practice, Practice, Practice -- Visit for more infoHope you enjoyed my post today.

How do YOU practice your calligraphy/brush calligraphy?? Feel free to comment below with some of your practice sheets and/or ‘like’ me on Facebook and share there too! I would love to see them!

Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!

Crafty JBird

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