Things Used:
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Step #1:
To start creating my simple saying, I used my Tombow Dual Brush Pen numbers 443 and 553. For the first part, I used the two pens using the blending technique. To give my saying a little more, I added loops at the beginning and end of each word. Click here for a quick video.
Step #2:
Next, I used my Tombow Dual Brush Pen number 443 to outline around my letters. As you can see from the first picture, by blending the two colors it came out fairly light making it hard to see. Outlining the letters makes POP!
Photoshop Elements:
Using Photoshop Elements, I was able to ‘erase’ the background leaving just the letters in the second picture. Erasing the background allows the photo to be added to another photo like I did above using one from this week’s “Make It Monday” post. It also allows it to be used in other programs such as Cricut Design Space. Be sure to check back for “Scrap It Friday” to see my “Scrappin’ Memories Double Page.”
There you go. A creative way to calligraphy out a saying. Hope you enjoyed! Need a place to get away for the weekend to work on all those creative ideas? Visit Memory Lane Inn for more information.
Have any questions about today’s “Write It Wednesday” “Scrappin Memories?” Please feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Crafty JBird
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