Officially Summer

Happy Wednesday y’all! Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I ended up doing things I really didn’t want to do yesterday but thats okay, I still got to have cake, presents, and got my 18,000 steps. No seriously!, I had to walk off all the cake and other goodies I ate for my Birthday. ? Plus, I’m on a mission of making up for all the days I didn’t get my 10,000 steps in since the first of June due to unexpected events. So far, so good. Anyways, since today is the Summer Solstice, I thought I would do something cute and simple, so let’s get started with “Officially Summer…..” Continue reading “Officially Summer”

Calligraphy Brush Pens Blending Palette

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! The weekend flew by for me at the scrapbooking retreat a group of us went to. I think I got a fairly good amount finished but not as much as I wanted to get finished. Oh well. Anyways, last year when I got into calligraphy thanks to my sister, I saw a lot of the calligraphers using a blending palette for blending the Tombow Dual Brush Pens together so I decided to make myself one where it was big enough to color an entire page. So, let’s get started with how to make “Calligraphy Brush Pens Blending Palette…” Continue reading “Calligraphy Brush Pens Blending Palette”

Teacher Dolphin Clipboard

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I’m lucky I actually know what day it is since I’ve been home and in Dallas three different times in the last week and it’s about a three hour drive each time. Anyways, since I’m on the verge of getting my teacher certification I decided to start some projects for my classroom. Let’s get started with my “Teacher Dolphin Clipboard…” Continue reading “Teacher Dolphin Clipboard”