Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Monday! I managed to get almost everything I wanted to be finished taken care of; so I think I had a pretty good day. Anyways, today I decided to tell y’all a little about these creatures I like to call “Horses of the Sea.” Next to dolphins, I think Seahorses are fascinating. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Horses of the Sea”
crafty jbird
Seahorse Drawing
Happy Memorial Day y’all!! Hope everyone has a great but safe one. I’m not particularly doing anything except studying — lots and lots of studying. Anyways, today I wanted to share a drawing I think came out super, super cute. So, let’s get started with my “Seahorse Drawing…” Continue reading “Seahorse Drawing”
Mosaic Moments Summer Blooms
WOW! Friday once again already! Who’s ready for their three-day weekend? Hope everyone has a great but safe one! Anyways, I’ve got a new Mosaic Moments page kit I’ve put together. It’s super cute and I thought it was perfect for the end of May. Let’s get started with “Mosaic Moments Summer Blooms….” Continue reading “Mosaic Moments Summer Blooms”
Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3
It’s Thursday y’all! Hope everyone has a great day today! I cannot believe it’s been almost a week since I’ve taken my exam. I am still waiting to be able to sign up to take the Science portion yet again. But I’m am also working on my ‘game plan’ of how I’m going about it this time. Anyways, today I am continuing my series of “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends” with a few more for an easy access to what you might have missed. So, let’s get started with “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3….” Continue reading “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3”
April Showers Brings May Flowers
Howdy, Wednesday! Hope everyone has a great day today! Yesterday was a long one for me. I was constantly checking the website for when my scores for my exam were posted. Finally, they were there and it looks like I will be giving it one more shot at the Science portion. I keep having to tell myself, it’s not the same science as my degree; because really it’s not. Anyways, let’s get started with “April Showers Brings May Flowers……” Continue reading “April Showers Brings May Flowers”