Hearts of Luck Double Page Layout

Happy Scrap It Friday!

Well, hello “Scrap It Friday!!” Happy St. Patrick’s Day and don’t forget to wear your GREEN! Hope everyone had a great week and is ready for the weekend. I just plan on studying and working on posts since after my test we are going to Dallas and then my mom and I have a scrapbook retreat we are going to. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get at least half taken care of before Monday. Anyways, I’ve got a super cute Mosaic Moments inspired layout I’ve put together. So let’s get started with “Hearts of Luck Double Page Layout…” Continue reading “Hearts of Luck Double Page Layout”

Hearts of Luck Clover Bag

Happy Happy Make It Monday!

Hope everyone had a great productive or relaxing weekend! Did y’all enjoy losing the hour as much as I did? Despite setting my alarm to go off twice plus my cat, I still didn’t manage to get up at the time I wanted to yesterday morning. Fortunately for me, except for when I have had surgeries, I have never slept past 8 am. Other than the time changing issue, I was either studying, walking on the treadmill, or sleeping for the most part. Anyways, remember the 4-leaf clover I hand drew a couple weeks ago? Well, I have another project I made with it and I think it’s super cute. Shh…I plan on giving it to one of my cousins. She’s like me with my dolphins, loves clovers. Let’s get started with “Hearts of Luck Clover Bag…” Continue reading “Hearts of Luck Clover Bag”

Valentines Card

Happy Make It Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Did your team win the Pro Bowl? Everyone ready for the Super Bowl? Who are you cheering for this year? I’m still deciding and probably won’t decided til the day of but I am definitely planning on watching! Anyways, today I wanted to share the Valentines Card I made yesterday with the Whale I hand-drew myself a few weeks ago. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Valentines Card”

Mardi Gras Time

Make It Monday Once Again!

Hope y’all had a great weekend! Me? I’m still recovering from my decision to decline the position offered to me last week. It was a very hard decision but one I know is right in the long run. Knowing I had the position offered to me in the first place makes me feel great seeing as I did it with no help. Other places I have worked, I happened to know people to get me those job. Anyways, it is MARDI GRAS Time here in Louisiana! The parades in New Orleans have already started! Since it’s Mardi Gras Time, I’ve made a mask to help everyone get in the Mardi Gras spirit! Let’s get started… Continue reading “Mardi Gras Time”

Whale Bag

It’s Make It Monday!!

Hope everyone had a great awesome weekend! I know it was pretty dar n cold for most parts of the south here. Unfortunately for my area, it got super cold without the snow. ? I mean really, if it’s gonna get that cold just go ahead and give us some snow, ice, anything but just super cold temperatures! Anyways, despite the cold I decided today I would make my mom a new whale bag. She’s been using hers so much it’s just looks pathetic now. ? Let’s get started… Continue reading “Whale Bag”