Bye Bye Bugs Spray

Whooo Hoo! Yesterday my mom and I finally got to the scrapbooking retreat and got to start our projects. Mine was this of course. We actually got up at the hotel to be at the retreat by 550am so I could get in at 6am. I took a few things inside and then we left to go get breakfast along with a few other errands which ended up lasting most of the day. Anyways, the official first day of summer is next Wednesday, whcih means in my neck of the woods at least mosquitos and lots of other biting bugs. I’m pretty sure the second I walk outside every bugs sense me from miles away and come attack. ? So, let’s get started with “Bye Bye Bugs Spray….” Continue reading “Bye Bye Bugs Spray”

Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3

It’s Thursday y’all! Hope everyone has a great day today! I cannot believe it’s been almost a week since I’ve taken my exam. I am still waiting to be able to sign up to take the Science portion yet again. But I’m am also working on my ‘game plan’ of how I’m going about it this time.  Anyways, today I am continuing my series of “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends” with a few more for an easy access to what you might have missed. So, let’s get started with “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3….” Continue reading “Crafty JBird’s Favorite Blends Part 3”