Christmas Time Scents

Ho Ho Ho Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I know everyone is most likely ready for the weekend, unless of course you still have to work on the weekends. Sorry bout that! Well, it’s Oily Thursday once again and I’ve got some Christmas Time Scents for you! These smell so awesomely great in the diffuser, you have got to try them! Let’s get started!… Continue reading “Christmas Time Scents”

My Secret to Layering Glitter on Glitter Vinyl

Ohhh Write It Wednesday!! How Great it is to be YOU!!!

It’s Wednesday, also known as “Hump Day” or in my world “Write It Wednesday.” Which also means one more day till the weekend and one more day until Christmas Day! Who’s ready?! I’m semi-ready. Meaning since I’m unable to drive still, I can only do so much local shopping and been doing most of my shopping online so still waiting for those things to arrive. Anyways, if you saw my “Make It Monday” post you would know I was going to tell you “My Secret to Layering Glitter on Glitter Vinyl.” So, let’s get started… Continue reading “My Secret to Layering Glitter on Glitter Vinyl”

Physical Therapy

Hello Random Tuesday!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday! Me? Well… my therapist enjoyed torching me! ? Just Kidding! (Well, sorta). However, I also spent WAY too much! I love my Young Living Essential Oils so much and they had this huge sale all day long. Wish I would have known about it to share on Thursday’s post. Anyway, today I thought I would give a brief update on how my physical therapy was going. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Physical Therapy”

Sea Life Christmas Towels

Happy Make It Monday!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It’s only 14 days til Christmas, so who’s ready!? I’ve gotta a few gifts wrapped. Unfortunately, I’ve also misplaced a box when two things in it for my mom and sis. I have looked everywhere for it and it is no where to be found. Hopefully it will show up before Christmas. Anyways, today I made some Christmas towels, and since I’ve crazy about the beach and sea life I’ve made them Sea Life Christmas Towels. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Sea Life Christmas Towels”

9 Lives

Finally Scrap It Friday!

I thought this day would never come! This morning I have my follow-up appointment with my doctor and get the stitches taken out of my incisions. YAY!! After my doctors appointment, I have another physical therapy session. Anyways, I thought today I would share a double page I put together when my Grace broke her ‘wrist.’ Let’s get started…

Continue reading “9 Lives”