Seasonal Issues Spray

Howdy Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone is having an awesome week and start of November so far! I am having a great week now that I have made it back down to the beach. Though we will only be here for a few days, I am taking it all in and looking for myself a place to move back down. 🙂 So last week, I visit a friend and she was telling me, after running into Walgreens and getting more Afrin Nose Spray, how she has gone through the stuff like crazy due to be so stuffy. So, I decided I would make a Seasonal Issues Spray. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Seasonal Issues Spray”

Making Capsules

Happy Oily Thursday Y’all!

Almost to the end of the week for yet another weekend. This weekend is Halloween weekend at least here in the States. What’s everyone’s plans? Me? Well since it’s my dad’s birthday coming up next week, we are taking him out to dinner over the weekend since also, my mom and I are heading to Gulfport for the week. Though he doesn’t know he is going to dinner I’m trying to keep it a surprise for him, just hope it stays that way. So far, so good. Anyways, today I want to share with you a little hint on making capsules as well a short video on the how-to.

Let’s get started… Continue reading “Making Capsules”

Some of My Favorite References for Essential Oils

Happy Oily Thursday!

So last week I showed y’all how I store my extra bottles of Young Living Essential Oils. I wanted to point out that storing them that way definitely easier to carry from place to place when you are on the go. Though I don’t have any classes scheduled at this time, I like to take them with me when I am going to a scrapbooking retreat in hope I will get a buyer or someone to sign up. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It just really depends on who’s there. Right now I’ve decided I’ve got to come up with a better pricing sheet for when I attend my retreats. Today, I want to share some of my favorite references for essential oils in general. These books are either strictly about Young Living Products or just ones I’ve picked up over the years. Continue reading “Some of My Favorite References for Essential Oils”

Essential Oils Storage

It’s Finally Oily Thursday!

Hope everybody is having a great week! One more day until we are home free for the weekend and FOOTBALL! âšś? Already have a lot of bottles of essential oil? Are they just scattered around or in an unorganized place? Or are they in your cabinets taking up room? Do you go a lot of places where you want to show them off and have on-hand? Well, you’re in luck because today I’m going to tell you what to use for essential oils storage and how I store my extra bottles; as well as, the ones I don’t use all the time. Continue reading “Essential Oils Storage”

My Cupping Experience

Hello Random Tuesday!

Alright so a couple of weeks ago I went to my massage therapist whom I have gone to for over 10 years. I noticed these bulb looking things on her desk and asked her about them. She said they were for cupping and ever since the Olympics a lot of her clients have been asking her about getting cupping done. Up until the Olympics I’d never even heard of cupping so I was interested in what exactly it did. Continue reading “My Cupping Experience”