My Cupping Experience

Hello Random Tuesday!

Alright so a couple of weeks ago I went to my massage therapist whom I have gone to for over 10 years. I noticed these bulb looking things on her desk and asked her about them. She said they were for cupping and ever since the Olympics a lot of her clients have been asking her about getting cupping done. Up until the Olympics I’d never even heard of cupping so I was interested in what exactly it did. Continue reading “My Cupping Experience”

Countdown Continues…

Happy Write It Wednesday!!

Okay don’t lie, who’s ready for the Olympics to start already?!, I know I am! I certainly can’t wait till the opening ceremony. Hopefully I’ll get to watch most of it but I’ll record it just in case. Every four years I look forward to seeing the various teams compete against each other. So, if you saw my post from Make It Monday this week you would know the Countdown Continues. Continue reading “Countdown Continues…”

Olympics Countdown

It’s Make It MONDAY!!

The Olympics Countdown for the opening has started! It is ONLY three days until the Opening Ceremony now so times a ticking. If you have read my previous posts, you would know I was planning on doing an add-on to one of them. As you have already probably figured out, it’s something that has to do with the Olympics. The ‘add-on’ project is from my “Make It Monday” on the Fourth of July, which you can find here.

I know I said I was going to finish the project from last week; however, I completely forgot this week was the start of the games so the continuation of that project is now for next weeks post.

Continue reading “Olympics Countdown”