Mind Mapping

Happy Random Tuesday!

Today is going to be short and sweet! I mentioned in a previous post about Mind Mapping, so I thought I’d share one of mine from when I was in school, since it’s starting to get close to midterms. First, I’ll share a brief history of how I got started and then I’ll talk about what class this particular was for. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Mind Mapping”

Some Great Books

Hellloo Random Tuesday!!

Well it’s Tuesday, and yesterday I had the house to myself for the first time in I don’t know in how long. Today, we have a couple of workers outside working on the house. Since my dad is at the warehouse, I’m here monitoring them, so everything goes smoothly. While they’re working, I’m hoping to get way ahead on projects so I can work on something I’ve been wanting to get started on. Anyways, have you read some great books lately?

Currently I am attempting to read “The Magicians Trilogy” by Lev Grossman. I’ve finished the first book and working on the second. Since seeing the T.V. series based on the Trilogy, I decided I would read before watching. I guess basically I’m just really waiting for the third book of “The Returns” by M.K. Clinton to come out. Continue reading “Some Great Books”

My Cupping Experience

Hello Random Tuesday!

Alright so a couple of weeks ago I went to my massage therapist whom I have gone to for over 10 years. I noticed these bulb looking things on her desk and asked her about them. She said they were for cupping and ever since the Olympics a lot of her clients have been asking her about getting cupping done. Up until the Olympics I’d never even heard of cupping so I was interested in what exactly it did. Continue reading “My Cupping Experience”