Simply Fit

Happy Random Tuesday!

So, for Christmas I got one of those Simply Fit Boards that was a start-up on the Shark Tank. Since I just had my hip scope surgery, I knew I wouldn’t be able to use it right away, but thought I would take it up to my physical therapist and see what he thought. It was actually quite funny as he decided to look up the video on You Tube and then try it out for himself. Almost all the physical therapists there that day gave it a try after that. Since I’m not to the point of twisting on it, I thought I would share the different things my physical therapist is having me use it for. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Simply Fit”


Happy Random Tuesday!

I guess it’s back to work once again for most. This morning we are taking out dachshund in for a check-up since she had a really bad cough starting a couple days before Christmas. It’s basically gone now but still gotta take her just to be sure. Today, I’m just going to show off the Build-A-Bear my ‘nephew’ picked out as his Christmas present. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Build-A-Bear”

New Years Resolutions

It’s Random Tuesday Y’all!

For some that unfortunately means back to work for most. Hope everyone once again had a great holiday! Here at our house we finished opening our gifts that were under the tree last night. So today, I thought I would share my New Years Resolutions. I only have a few and one is probably the same like most others have for themselves also. Let’s get started… Continue reading “New Years Resolutions”