9 Lives

Finally Scrap It Friday!

I thought this day would never come! This morning I have my follow-up appointment with my doctor and get the stitches taken out of my incisions. YAY!! After my doctors appointment, I have another physical therapy session. Anyways, I thought today I would share a double page I put together when my Grace broke her ‘wrist.’ Let’s get started…

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Home Sweet Home

Hey, It’s Scrap It Friday!

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. We have made it to the weekend finally. If you’re a regular reader, you know know about the surgery I had yesterday; if you’re not a regular reader, welcome and please be patient as I try to get my posts finished. Anyways, for today’s post I have a quick Mosaic Moments double page kit. They have it named “Home Sweet Home.” Let’s get started… Continue reading “Home Sweet Home”

You are the Anchor to my Heart…

It’s Scrap It Friday again!

The Weekend is HERE!!

I LOVE the beach (in case you haven’t noticed!), in fact; I plan to one day (hopefully sooner, rather than later) have my wedding on a beach. So today I made a double page layout with a beachy theme. Since today is my parent’s wedding anniversary, I thought it would be just right to do a wedding type layout; but make it for someone who plans or has had a beach wedding, like me. The layout’s name is “You are the Anchor to my Heart.” I also thought this would be a nice layout type for two sets of people I know who got married this summer either on a cruise or somewhere on a beach.

Continue reading “You are the Anchor to my Heart…”