Simply Fit

Happy Random Tuesday!

So, for Christmas I got one of those Simply Fit Boards that was a start-up on the Shark Tank. Since I just had my hip scope surgery, I knew I wouldn’t be able to use it right away, but thought I would take it up to my physical therapist and see what he thought. It was actually quite funny as he decided to look up the video on You Tube and then try it out for himself. Almost all the physical therapists there that day gave it a try after that. Since I’m not to the point of twisting on it, I thought I would share the different things my physical therapist is having me use it for. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Simply Fit”

Chase Your Dreams

Happy Make It Monday Y’all!!

Hope everyone is having a great 3-day weekend! Last week I was a nervous wreak. Though I was released to drive again around Christmas, I had only been driving a little right around where I live – like within 5 minutes. Last Wednesday, my sister flew out of Dallas so it was the first time to drive that far/long since before my surgery. Then I turned around and left Thursday to drive down to the MS Gulf Coast for an interview. Today, I’m heading back home and hopefully will be able to rest a bit after all the driving but I doubt that will happen. Anyways, I thought this saying was just about perfect since it has so much to do with my interview — Chase Your Dreams. Let’s get started with today’s project… Continue reading “Chase Your Dreams”

Winter Graduation

Happy Scrap It Friday!

Once again it’s Scrap It Friday!! I thought this day would never come, how about you? Did you or someone you know close to you have a graduation in December? For both of my bachelors, Psychology and Marine Science, I graduated in December. Though we don’t particular get cold weather here or in South Mississippi, it was a bit chilly for both events. Anyways, I thought having a graduation layout would be perfect. Let’s get started with Winter Graduation… Continue reading “Winter Graduation”

Young Living Starter Kits

It’s Oily Thursday!!

So, I thought I would start the year with some information about the Young Living Starter Kits. Though they have several to choose from, for this series of posts I’m going to talk about the main one everyone gets to start off. Today will be in general of what comes in the kit and the different options for it. Then, over the next several weeks, I’ll go more in-depth of what each essential oil can be used for, as well as, how each diffuser you can choose from works. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Young Living Starter Kits”

Watercolor TIME!!

Howdy Write It Wednesday!

BRING IT ON 2017!! We’ve made it to the middle of the week! Soon it will Friday yet again! Who’s ready? As long as I can finish everything I really want to get finished this week, I’ll be ready. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do so, but I’m certainly gonna try. Anyways, I just got some new watercolors so I’ve declared today, Watercolor Time! This is the first time I’ve played with them since getting them in so let’s see together how they work. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Watercolor TIME!!”