Hip Scope Surgery Part 2

It’s Random Tuesday Y’all!

It’s been a long several days and I’m still tired. Hope everyone is having a great December so far. Y’all better get those top wanted toys for the kids before they sell out and you can’t find them. You know, the way they do in so many Christmas movies. Anyways, today I thought I would give those interested, a quick breakdown on how my hip scope surgery part 2 went and how I’m doing. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Hip Scope Surgery Part 2”

Hot/Cold Pack

Happy Make It Monday Y’all!

So, my project for today took a bit longer to make than expected and I almost just called it quits because I got so frustrated with it. However, I still made it I just had to use a different method to do so. Today I made a Hot/Cold Pack for when I need something on my hip these days and for other days my head or anything else you may need one. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Hot/Cold Pack”

Home Sweet Home

Hey, It’s Scrap It Friday!

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. We have made it to the weekend finally. If you’re a regular reader, you know know about the surgery I had yesterday; if you’re not a regular reader, welcome and please be patient as I try to get my posts finished. Anyways, for today’s post I have a quick Mosaic Moments double page kit. They have it named “Home Sweet Home.” Let’s get started… Continue reading “Home Sweet Home”

Surgery Day Protocol

Happy Oily Thursday!

So, as you are reading this I am probably already at the hospital and most likely in surgery. After surgery I’ll stay for a couple of hours and then come home. Though I will take any medications my doctor gives me for today and tomorrow, as soon as I’m awake enough I’ll start using my Surgery Day Protocol. During the last few days I have slowly been making various potions and capsules to help get me ready for not having to make them after the fact. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Surgery Day Protocol”