Turkey Day

Finally Scrap It Friday!

We are officially less than a week until Turkey Day! The next few weeks are going to be busy, busy for everyone I’m sure. I guess I’ve gotta get busy on my shopping since I’ll be unable in less than two weeks. Anyways, I loved this layout from Mosaic Moments when I saw it on their website before ordering. I thought originally I would use it for the name they gave it “Farmer’s Market;” however, I have decided it would be super cute to use for Turkey Day pictures. My thought, Turkey Day is known for eating turkey and other ‘farmer’s market’ type food, so why not. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Turkey Day”

Eyebrow Growth Serum

Once Again, It’s Oily Thursday!

It’s almost Friday! Who’s ready!? It’s also one week til Turkey Day, which means almost Black Friday. What’s y’all’s tradition for Turkey Day and Black Friday? Would love to hear them, so comment below! Me? We either have the whole family over here or go to one of my aunts house. There have been a couple times a few of the families have gone on a Thanksgiving week cruise and personally, I think it’s time for another one! Anyways, today I want to share an Eyebrow Growth Serum I made and I believe has already started working. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Eyebrow Growth Serum”

Learn To Sew Again

It’s Random Tuesday!

When was the last time you sewn anything? If you’re like me, the last time I remember was when I was in middle school 4-H club and made a dress for a competition I entered. Since I just found out Friday I have another torn ligament and will be having hip scope surgery once again in a few weeks; I’ve decided to learn to sew again to make myself some things for my surgery. Let’s get started…

Continue reading “Learn To Sew Again”

Goodie Bags Part 1

Howdy Make It Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! So, today I am going to share what I have been making to give out when I meet various people who seem interested in crafts and/or essential oils. When I have gone to scrapbook retreats I have given out some goodie bags with my Young Living business card along with a couple of samples of the essential oils. I’ve decided since that giving out these goodie bags could not only bring me more viewers here on my blog; but also bring me potential downlines and/or customers for the essential oils. Let’s get started with Goodie Bags Part 1… Continue reading “Goodie Bags Part 1”