Sandy Beach

Finally Scrap It Friday!

So, last couple of weeks I have shown kits made up by Snap ‘N Crop aka Mosaic Moments. Today, I’m going to show you a double page I did using their technique but with other tools. They were tools I had at the time when I created this double page with the paper and pictures I wanted to use. I call the double page “Sandy Beach,” since it’s mainly pictures of the beach and because of the paper I used.

Let’s get started.. Continue reading “Sandy Beach”

Some of My Favorite References for Essential Oils

Happy Oily Thursday!

So last week I showed y’all how I store my extra bottles of Young Living Essential Oils. I wanted to point out that storing them that way definitely easier to carry from place to place when you are on the go. Though I don’t have any classes scheduled at this time, I like to take them with me when I am going to a scrapbooking retreat in hope I will get a buyer or someone to sign up. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It just really depends on who’s there. Right now I’ve decided I’ve got to come up with a better pricing sheet for when I attend my retreats. Today, I want to share some of my favorite references for essential oils in general. These books are either strictly about Young Living Products or just ones I’ve picked up over the years. Continue reading “Some of My Favorite References for Essential Oils”

A Few More Ways to Decorate

Happy Write It Wednesday Y’all!

It’s Officially Fall Y’all!! So we’ve made it to Wednesday and man has it been a busy week for me already. Monday and Tuesday was quite busy for me since I’m taking care of all the animals in the house and running any errands needed. Hopefully I’ll be able to stay ahead with these posts ? Anywho, today I wanted to show you a few more ways I like to “decorate” my lettering. So, here are  “a few more ways to decorate.”
Continue reading “A Few More Ways to Decorate”

Some Great Books

Hellloo Random Tuesday!!

Well it’s Tuesday, and yesterday I had the house to myself for the first time in I don’t know in how long. Today, we have a couple of workers outside working on the house. Since my dad is at the warehouse, I’m here monitoring them, so everything goes smoothly. While they’re working, I’m hoping to get way ahead on projects so I can work on something I’ve been wanting to get started on. Anyways, have you read some great books lately?

Currently I am attempting to read “The Magicians Trilogy” by Lev Grossman. I’ve finished the first book and working on the second. Since seeing the T.V. series based on the Trilogy, I decided I would read before watching. I guess basically I’m just really waiting for the third book of “The Returns” by M.K. Clinton to come out. Continue reading “Some Great Books”