Good-Bye Charlie Horses…

Happy Oily Thursday!!

Do you suffer from Charlie Horses?  Have you tried bananas after banana or as some suggest pickle juice but nothing still seems to work?  I’ve suffered from Charlie Horses most of my life now.  Though I’ve gotten my levels tested and everything comes back fine.  Over the years, I’ve just learned to deal with the excruciating pain I go through every time I get one at night, just sitting watching TV, or driving down the road. Continue reading “Good-Bye Charlie Horses…”

Seasonal Issues

It’s Oily Thursday!

Hope everyone is having a great week!  Thursday is what some people call “Little Friday,” I’m calling it Oily Thursday! 🙂  I thought I could incorporate my crafty side with my Young Living Consultant side.  Here a little about me and my essential oils.

In July 2014, I lived in Dallas and worked for my two cousins while living with my aunt (their mom).  Though my cousin was paying me enough for the experience I had had at the time, I still wanted to make a little more money; so after doing some research I found Young Living where I could be a consultant selling essential oils. Continue reading “Seasonal Issues”