Goodie Bags Part 1

Howdy Make It Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! So, today I am going to share what I have been making to give out when I meet various people who seem interested in crafts and/or essential oils. When I have gone to scrapbook retreats I have given out some goodie bags with my Young Living business card along with a couple of samples of the essential oils. I’ve decided since that giving out these goodie bags could not only bring me more viewers here on my blog; but also bring me potential downlines and/or customers for the essential oils. Let’s get started with Goodie Bags Part 1… Continue reading “Goodie Bags Part 1”

Seasonal Issues Spray

Howdy Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone is having an awesome week and start of November so far! I am having a great week now that I have made it back down to the beach. Though we will only be here for a few days, I am taking it all in and looking for myself a place to move back down. 🙂 So last week, I visit a friend and she was telling me, after running into Walgreens and getting more Afrin Nose Spray, how she has gone through the stuff like crazy due to be so stuffy. So, I decided I would make a Seasonal Issues Spray. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Seasonal Issues Spray”

Making Capsules

Happy Oily Thursday Y’all!

Almost to the end of the week for yet another weekend. This weekend is Halloween weekend at least here in the States. What’s everyone’s plans? Me? Well since it’s my dad’s birthday coming up next week, we are taking him out to dinner over the weekend since also, my mom and I are heading to Gulfport for the week. Though he doesn’t know he is going to dinner I’m trying to keep it a surprise for him, just hope it stays that way. So far, so good. Anyways, today I want to share with you a little hint on making capsules as well a short video on the how-to.

Let’s get started… Continue reading “Making Capsules”