Oily Spray and Go

Howdy Oily Thursday!

I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t like any type of lotion out there. I’ve tried various things over the years where they say it a mix of lotion and oil but to me it’s just like make-up, I don’t want that feeling of something on me. Well I think I have finally found something I like the most and along with my add in, it makes it even better and me more likely to use it. Continue reading “Oily Spray and Go”

Study/Concentration Roller Blend

Happy Oily Thursday Y’all!

Since I got diagnosed with a ‘learning disability;’ I started taking Concerta to help me concentrate better when it came to studying and test taking. I would have never gotten to where I am now, without it. In 2006, my mom and I visited a certified aromatherapist with the main reason being to get something to help the tremor in my mom’s arm due to her stroke in 2004. While there, I also left with a blend to use instead of taking my prescription. Unfortunately, I ran out of the blend and the aromatherapist moved.

When I became a Young Living Consultant in 2014, I decided to make my own blend to use instead of my prescription even though I’m not in school anymore, the blend helps with concentration, staying awake while trying to work on various things. I also use it sometimes for staying alert and awake while driving long distances. So, to continue once again on our school theme, I am going to share my study/concentration roller blend. Continue reading “Study/Concentration Roller Blend”

My Essentials

Oh, Oily Thursday, We Met Again!

For the first Christmas I had my Young Living Essential Oils, my sister got me a super cute bottle holder. I think she thought it would prevent me from carrying as many as I could fit in my purse and for the most part it worked, but I still carry a lot with me no matter. You just never know when you will need something. However, I do have ‘my essentials’ that I have made a must for my day-to-day activities. Continue reading “My Essentials”