Good-Bye Charlie Horses…

Happy Oily Thursday!!

Do you suffer from Charlie Horses?  Have you tried bananas after banana or as some suggest pickle juice but nothing still seems to work?  I’ve suffered from Charlie Horses most of my life now.  Though I’ve gotten my levels tested and everything comes back fine.  Over the years, I’ve just learned to deal with the excruciating pain I go through every time I get one at night, just sitting watching TV, or driving down the road. Continue reading “Good-Bye Charlie Horses…”

Lemon Vitality Essential Oils…

Happy Oily Thursday!!

We’ve made it to the last part of the workweek. My mom and I are at a scrapbooking crop day at our Creative Memories Consultants house. Everyone, except me, is scrapbooking. Me? I’m working on my calligraphy.

Lemon Vitality Essential Oils

                     Lemon Vitality Young Living Leom Vitality Essential Oil

Today I wanted to share a couple of ways of how you can use Young Living’s Lemon Vitality Essential Oil.  Though I’ve been using essential oils for over 10 years, I never until I started using Young Living’s ingested them and will never recommend doing so with any other brand.  I’ve been ingesting Young Living’s Essential Oils now for over 2 years and I have not had an issue.  I have watched videos of top consultants visiting Young Living’s farms, where they have watched them distill the various plants and make the bottles they are put in for purchase, so I know there are no additives in any of them.  One of these days I plan on visiting one myself, but who knows when that will be.  ? Continue reading “Lemon Vitality Essential Oils…”

Great Night Sleep Potion

It’s Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone has a great day!! 🙂  Today I want to talk about my “great night sleep potion.”  I know I touched on it a little in the previous posts but I wanted to elaborate a little bit more.  Yes, I use the obvious Lavender Oil, and like I’ve mentioned previously, I use Lemon Oil and Thieves Oil.  I also, however; add into my roller and diffuser sometimes these days Valor Oil, Lemongrass Oil, and Cedarwood Oil. Continue reading “Great Night Sleep Potion”

Managing After Hip Scope Surgery

Happy Oily Thursday!

I’ve mentioned my hip scope surgery I had last year a few times in my other posts. For this post, I wanted to share what essential oils I used once I got home. My surgery was to repair a torn ligament but once the doctor got the micro camera in, he also found a bone spur.

Since it was just a day surgery where I went straight home afterwards, I was home in my own bed by noon. On the day before my surgery I made up several different things with my essential oils for after my surgery. Continue reading “Managing After Hip Scope Surgery”