Save Everything Scrapbooking

Happy Friday once again and Scrap It Friday y’all!

Okay tell the truth!  If you are a scrapbooker you save basically everything — maps of aquariums, zoos, school schedules, etc.  If you have pets and scrapbook them (and I know you do!) you probably save things such as their first collars from when they were a puppy or kitten.  For your kiddos, well I don’t have kids yet but I know my mom saved things my sister and I made when we were in kindergarten.  Grand it, she hasn’t made those albums yet but I have my file folder in my closet for safe keeps either until she’s ready to make my album or I eventually make it myself (though I’m still working on pictures from when I lived in Long Beach, MS but haven’t even touched the pictures when I visited my sister in France in 2010. ? Continue reading “Save Everything Scrapbooking”

Tractive GPS

Hello, Random Tuesday

Guess what!? We made it through Monday and soon we will be on the hump of the week! Today I wanted to give my review on a device I have used for almost 6 months, as well as the backstory on why I decided to get one in the first place. Back in November 2015, I purchased a “Tractive GPS” so I could keep track of my cat Grace. I decided to do this after she didn’t come home again for a few days and I got worried. Grace was born in Ft. Lauderdale, FL in 2004, and has lived in north Louisiana, south Mississippi, and back in Louisiana. She is my ‘fur’-baby. 😛 Continue reading “Tractive GPS”

Birthday Week

Happy Birthday To ME!!

Today’s my birthday!!! So I’m celebrating this year by making it my “birthday week” all week-long! 😛 I thought it would be the perfect day to make it Launch Day. I’m super excited but also very new at this so please bare with me as I start my new journey.

Though I thought I would be doing my absolute dream by now, I have always believed “Everything Happens For A Reason.” I believe I am where I am supposed to be and will get where I am going at the right time. Continue reading “Birthday Week”