First Test Day:
So, I actually found out my test score two days after I took my test the first time. We weren’t supposed to know until April 14th, but somehow they got the scores out to everyone two weeks early. I continued to study just in case even though I knew my scores because there was still a possibility I wasn’t going to have to retake it.
Issues with the Scoring:
So, after contemplating over my test scores trying to figure out how I managed to pass the sections I thought I didn’t and not pass sections I was pretty sure I had in the bag, I went ahead and scheduled my next attempt for taking the Core Subjects 291 TExES test for the middle of May. In other words, I now have 17 more days to be ready and pass the rest or I’ll have to wait another 45 days.
Once I got my exam scheduled, I talked to a couple of people and told them what had happened when I took it the first time. They informed me I alt to call the test people and talk to them to make sure it didn’t happen on other sections. We figured it out and unfortunately, turns out I do have to take the retake the sections.
What happened? I’m not sure if I mentioned this in the post after I took my test so I say it again. Since I hate test especially timed ones, I always make sure I mark an answer even if I mark it to go back to check and possibly change. When I finished the English section I had time to review my answers. It should 6-7 questions unanswered even though I knew I had answered them. For the other sections, I did not have time to review so I was afraid somehow the same thing happened on the other sections especially the ones I didn’t pass. The person I talked to informed me they had the techs check my exam and I did answer everything.
Here We Go Again:
I now have my “Study Schedules” revised and have been working on creating some Mind Maps. I’m still using Quizlet since I typed everything for last time. So, May 19th I will be taking the exam once again and hopefully (fingers crossed) I will pass the rest of the sections. With all this walking on the treadmill because of my studying, I’m going to be back to what I was in middle school and I really want some pizza and ice cream now! ?
Need a fun weekend getaway? Head over to Memory Lane Inn for an awesome place to create all your crafts, have an ‘Oily Party’ (essential oils), or just to get away to relax.
Have any questions about today’s “Random Tuesday” “Test Retake” post? Please feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Crafty JBird
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