**For this post series you will see both, the LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles and the NONLABELED Vitality/Regular Essential Oils Bottles. In this post I have the LABELED ones. I do not have all the labeled ones and won’t purchase until I have used up all my others and/or when I have a need for a specific one.**
The number one question I see asked about Young Living’s Vitality Line is ‘What’s the difference between the Vitality and Regular labeled bottles?’ Well, the simple answer is the Vitality Line labeled bottles are FDA approved. Both bottles, for example, Basil/Basil Vitality Essential Oil, contains the same things within their bottles; it’s only the labels on the outside that make them different. The FDA approval makes it show they are safe for ingestion. These bottles were first introduced in 2016, so since I became a member of Young Living in 2014, I have lots of the ‘ingestion safe’ essential oils in my ever growing stash.
LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles:
Young Living has separated their Vitality Line into four groups: Herb, Spices, Citrus, and Supplement Vitality Essential Oils. In this group we have four spices, three citrus, a herb, and a supplement Vitality Essential Oil.
Cardamom – According to Young Living’s website, this spice is a plant which “is native to the lush evergreen forests of southern India and has been highly valued as a spice since ancient times.” It “has a rich taste and is one of the world’s favorite cooking spices” and “is common in sweet and savory dishes.” Some common uses includes using it for “digestive support,” “[a]dd to […] favorite dishes, and “[a]dd 1-2 drops to your tea for a unique taste experience.”
Clove – According to Young Living’s website, “is the concentrated distillation of the same distinct, spicy cloves that have been used in kitchens for thousands of years. Perfect for adding flavor to both sweet and savory dishes, Clove Vitality oil includes the naturally occurring constituent eugenol and is beloved for its use as a dietary supplement.” Some common uses includes taking it every day for “healthy immune system” support, using it instead of the “ground spice in recipes,” and “adding a drop […] to a warm bowl of oatmeal for a tasty, comforting start of your day.”
Coriander – According to Young Living’s website, “shares its botanical origins with the cilantro plant, making it a popular flavor in both Latin and Eastern dishes. Steam distilled from coriander seeds, Coriander Vitality has a fresh, earthy, slightly citrusy taste that enhances many recipes.” Some common uses includes taking “in a vegetable capsule […] after meals to support digestion” by “combin[ing] 1 drop of […] with 1 drop of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, “add[ing] it to Latin and Eastern dishes for an authentic flavor, and “mix[ing] it with your favorite dressings and marinages to add a fresh dimension of flavor.”
Fennel – According to Young Living’s website, “is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean, but it has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially in dry soils near sea coasts and on riverbanks. Some common uses include “add[ing] 1–2 drops to a cup of tea or warm glass of water after meals for digestive support,” “adding a drop” to soups and dips to give them “complexity,” and “tak[ing] […] with your daily dietary supplement to support a normal, healthy outlook during PMS.”
Bergamot – According to Young Living’s website, Bergamot is “cold pressed from the fresh bergamot fruit that gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor, [it] has a fresh, complex citrus taste that makes it the perfect addition to many summer dishes.” Some uses includes “brush[…] seafood with olive oil inflused with a few drops of […]” “[s]everal times during grilling,” “[i]n baked goods recipes that call for citrus zest, add an unexpected twist by stirring in a drop […] for every teaspoon of zest,” and “[a]dd[ing] 1-2 drops […] to Blue Agave natural sweetener and drizzle the mixture over muffins and tarts.”
Citrus Fresh – According to Young Living’s website, “combines Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, and Lemon oils with a shot of Spearmint for a zesty and refreshing burst of flavor.” Some uses includes “add[ing] 1-2 drops to a vegetable gel capsule” as part of your “dietary supplement,” “[k]eep hydrated by giving your daily intake of water a burst of flavor [by] [i]nfus[ing] your water by adding 2–3 drops to a glass […] of water and [a]dd 1–2 drops to every 2 oz. of your favorite fruit and vegetable juices or NingXia Red […] for a quick burst of nutrients and flavor.”
Orange – According to Young Living’s website, “[…] has a clean, refreshing scent and flavor and contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene.” It can be found in “many products, such as NingXia Red® and our proprietary wellness supplement ImmuPro™.” Some uses includes adding it “in culinary dishes—sweet or savory—for added flavor and zest,” adding ‘it in baked goods for an acidic contrast to the sweetness of desserts and baked goods,” and adding a few drops “to smoothies, drinks, and NingXia Red.”
Basil – According to Young Living’s website, “[…] has a sweet, warm scent and flavor [and] is found in a variety of dishes […] popular in both Asian and European cooking. With Basil Vitality™ essential oil, it’s easy to add this well-loved seasoning to whatever you like. Using an essential oil, you’ll get a brighter flavor than dried herbs without the hassle of fresh herbs.” Some uses include “[b]oil[ing] pasta noodles in basil-infused water for a subtle flavor,” [p]airing with lime juice and melons, such as watermelon and cantaloupe, for a fresh summer treat,” and “[m]ix[ing] with a mild tea, such as chamomile.”
Thieves – According to Young Living’s website, provides “[…] a quick and easy way to balance your busy life and your wellness […] you can support overall wellness and a healthy immune system with just a few drops.”
“Thieves Vitality combines Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils to create one of our most popular products.” Some uses include “[a]dd[ing] a drop to oatmeal, granola, or other cereal to elevate your breakfast,” [p]ut[ting] a drop or a swirl […] in your morning juice, tea, or coffee […] [to] give your morning beverage a flavor boost,” and “[a]dd[ing] 1–2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily or as needed as a dietary supplement.”
Have any questions about today’s “Oily Thursday” “Vitality vs Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 1” post or Young Living Essential Oils? Please feel free to comment below. Ready to make it yourself but need the oils? Visit my personal Young Living website here. Want to sign up to be a consultant and receive free gifts, discounts and more? Click here. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Need a place to getaway for the weekend? Check out Memory Lane Inn! It would be an awesome place to have an ‘Oily Weekend Party!”
Crafty JBird
**As with any over the counter medicines or prescription, a specific essential oil may work great for me, but not so much for you. I am not a doctor, just someone who uses essential oils on a daily basis and loves them. These are recommendations, as it is a trial and error type process to find what works best for you. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.**
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[…] I mentioned in the first post of this series, the number one question I see asked about Young Living’s Vitality Line is […]