**For this post series you will see both, the LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles and the NONLABELED Vitality/Regular Essential Oils Bottles. In this post I have the LABELED ones. I do not have all the labeled ones and won’t purchase until I have used up all my others and/or when I have a need for a specific one.**
As I mentioned in the first post of this series, the number one question I see asked about Young Living’s Vitality Line is ‘What’s the difference between the Vitality and Regular labeled bottles?’ Well, the simple answer is the Vitality Line labeled bottles are FDA approved. Both bottles, for example, Peppermint/Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil, contains the same things within their bottles; it’s only the labels on the outside that make them different. The FDA approval makes it show they are safe for ingestion. These bottles were first introduced in 2016, so since I became a member of Young Living in 2014, I have lots of the ‘ingestion safe’ essential oils in my ever growing stash.
LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles:
Again, Young Living has separated their Vitality Line into four groups: Herb, Spices, Citrus, and Supplement Vitality Essential Oils. In this post, we have one spice, one citrus, four herbs, and two supplement Vitality Essential Oil.
Cinnamon Bark – According to Young Living’s website, “is a concentrated and potent flavor that complements a variety of classic culinary treats. Not only is Cinnamon Bark Vitality oil used for its unique and spicy notes in recipes, but it’s also a great dietary supplement […].” Some common uses includes adding “a drop” to “a banana smoothie,” “substitut[ing] Cinnamon Bark Vitality in any recipe that calls for ground cinnamon,” and adding “a drop to spice up your hot cereal.”
Lemon – According to Young Living’s website, “can add a bright, dynamic flavor to many dishes, [as] [i]ts versatility in sweet and savory recipes is what makes this fruit a popular item in kitchens around the world. Some uses includes adding to “[c]reate custom vinaigrettes or marinades to add a bright taste to summer salads and grilling,” [a]dd[ing] it to tea, baked goods, homemade preserves, and other treats,” and [c]ombine with savory foods such as chicken, fish, shrimp, and vegetables […].” Be sure to check out my previous posts about Lemon Vitality Essential Oil with a few more ideas. Click here for my Lemon Vitality Essential Oil post and here for my Lemon Flavored Sugar Cookies post.
Lavender – According to Young Living’s website, you can “[u]se to create elegant dishes that will impress your family and friends. The herb has a sweet, slightly floral flavor that pairs well with both rich and light foods. Some common uses includes “[m]aking homemade fruit jams infused with [the] essential oil,” [c]omplementing dairy with [it] in shortbread, pound cake, ice cream, meringue, or whipped cream recipes,” and [b]alancing [it] in savory dishes with herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and oregano.”
Peppermint – According to Young Living’s website, “Peppermint Vitality […] has a bright, cool flavor, with benefits that include gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support, in addition to its great taste.” Some uses includes “[i]ncluding a drop in a tall glass of cool water for a refreshing start to your morning,” [b]lending with your pre-workout drink for an energizing start or wind down after your workout with a mint-infused chocolate or vanilla protein shake,” and “[u]sing in baking and in a wide variety of desserts.”
For me personally, I prefer Lemon Vitality in my water; however, I absolutely love Peppermint Vitality in my hot chocolate. Just make sure to get only one single drop in, as more makes it way too potent.
Oregano – According to Young Living’s website, “[…] is more than just a seasoning—it may also support a healthy lifestyle when taken as a dietary supplement. [It] is a key ingredient in ImmuPower™ essential oil blend. Some uses includes “[a]dding [it] sparingly to various dishes for extra flavoring, particularly Mexican and Mediterranean dishes, “[t]ak[ing] [it] every day to support a healthy lifestyle,” and my favorite, adding it along with two other essential oils to olive oil to drizzle on top of cabbage steaks. Click here to check out the post.
Spearmint – According to Young Living’s website, “is treasured for its unique minty flavor, as well as its ability to help calm tummies and support normal digestion as a dietary supplement. With naturally occurring menthol, carvone, and limonene, [it] can add a cooling effect to foods that is both pleasant and beneficial.” Some uses includes “[g]iv[ing] meats and veggies a minty note by including Spearmint Vitality in your marinades, “[a]dd[ing] a drop to your tea to help support normal digestion,” and “[m]ak[ing] world-class homemade pesto by adding a drop of Spearmint Vitality to your minced basil.”
Copaiba– According to Young Living’s website, “is made with the gum resin tapped from the copaiba tree native to Brazil and is known for its beta-caryophyllene content and sweet aroma. Copaiba Vitality has a pleasant, complex taste, and when taken internally, it can promote wellness.” “[T]aking daily as [a] […] part of your health regimen” by [a]dd[ing] [it] to a Clear Vegetable Casuple.” Another way of using is by”[…] adding a drop or two […] to your herbal tea, such as chamomile or rooibos, to enjoy its complex, soothing flavor.”
DiGize – According to Young Living’s website, “[t]his proprietary blend of Young Living essential oils is a great mealtime companion and addition to your wellness regimen” as the “blend includes the naturally occurring constituents menthol, citrol, and zingiberene.” Some uses includes “[f]lavoring honey with 2–3 drops of DiGize Vitality for a sweet, spicy treat without the refined sugar,” “[a]dd[ing] 1-2 drops to a gel capsule and take it as a dietary supplement every day—or whenever you need it,” and “[g]iv[ing] your water a twist and add 2 drops of DiGize Vitality and 1 drop of Peppermint Vitality.”
Have any questions about today’s “Oily Thursday” “Vitality vs Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 2” post or Young Living Essential Oils? Please feel free to comment below. Ready to make it yourself but need the oils? Visit my personal Young Living website here. Want to sign up to be a consultant and receive free gifts, discounts and more? Click here. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Need a place to getaway for the weekend? Check out Memory Lane Inn! It would be an awesome place to have an ‘Oily Weekend Party!’
Crafty JBird
**As with any over the counter medicines or prescription, a specific essential oil may work great for me, but not so much for you. I am not a doctor, just someone who uses essential oils on a daily basis and loves them. These are recommendations, as it is a trial and error type process to find what works best for you. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.**
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