**For this post series you will see both, the LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles and the NONLABELED Vitality/Regular Essential Oils Bottles. In this post I have the LABELED ones and a couple of NONLABELED ones. I do not have all the labeled ones and won’t purchase until I have used up all my others and/or when I have a need for a specific one.**
As I mentioned in the first post of this series, the number one question I see asked about Young Living’s Vitality Line is ‘What’s the difference between the Vitality and Regular labeled bottles?’ Well, the simple answer is the Vitality Line labeled bottles are FDA approved. Both bottles, for example, Peppermint/Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil, contains the same things within their bottles; it’s only the labels on the outside that make them different. The FDA approval makes it show they are safe for ingestion. These bottles were first introduced in 2016, so since I became a member of Young Living in 2014, I have lots of the ‘ingestion safe’ essential oils in my ever-growing stash.
Again, Young Living has separated their Vitality Line into four groups: Herb, Spices, Citrus, and Supplement Vitality Essential Oils. In this post, we have three spice and three herbs Vitality Essential Oil. For the citrus group we have two, and supplement group we have one. Within my stash, I only have them in the NONLABELED bottles.
Black Pepper – According to Young Living’s website, “is one of the most popular spices in the world. Its distinctive flavor makes it a common addition to many recipes, from appetizers to entrees. Black Pepper Vitality oil can replace ground black pepper.” Some common uses include adding to “marinades and rubs for pork, beef, poultry, or seafood” and adding “to flavor pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, and deli salads.”
Ginger – According to Young Living’s website, “is distilled from the root of the ginger plant and lends itself to a wide variety of applications.” “Ginger Vitality essential oil benefits are derived from its naturally occurring constituents zingiberene and beta-phellandrene, making it a key ingredient in DiGize™, Digest & Cleanse™, EndoGize™, ICP™, and Essentialzymes-4™.” Some common uses include “add[ing] a drop to your tea for a nice, soothing hot drink” and “dip[ping] a toothpick in [the bottle] […] and add[ing] it to your stir-fry for a zing of exotic flavor.”
Celery Seed – According to Young Living’s website, Celery Seed is “[p]roduced from the steam distillation of dried seeds, [and] […] brings a pleasant aroma and taste to pickling blends and brines.” Some common uses include “[c]ombin[ing] Celery Seed Vitality and Carrot Seed Vitality for an impactful flavor in your next vegetable or poultry-based soup” and “[a]dd[ing] 1-2 drops to the cooking water for rice and serve with baked poultry.”
Lemongrass – According to Young Living’s website, is “not only invigorates senses with its bright, lemony scent, but it can also support wellness when taken as a dietary supplement in a gel capsule or as an addition to drinks. The delicate citrus flavor […] complements many dishes—especially Asian recipes—and can be incorporated into your seasonings for meals in various cuisines. Lemongrass Vitality™ essential oil is a powerful ingredient in the DiGize™ essential oil blend, Essentialzymes-4™ supplement, and MultiGreens™ capsules.” Some common uses include “[p]lac[ing] 1-2 drops in a vegetarian gel capsule to take as a dietary supplement” and “[a]dd[ing] 2-3 drops to water or hot tea for a light, interesting flavor.”
I have found where I seem to use Lemongrass more than I thought I would over the last year. Since my hip surgery in 2016, I add a couple of drops to my nightly capsule to help with any puffiness I may have gotten. One reason is because I walk to get 10,000 or more steps on the treadmill. My other reason is to make sure I don’t have a round three of my surgery. Knock on wood — so far so good!
Thyme – According to Young Living’s website, “is the concentrated distillation of Thyme, a classic and beloved kitchen herb. [It] can be used in place of the dried spice in your favorite dishes and is always easy to keep on hand. Thyme Vitality essential oil includes the naturally occurring constituents thymol, para-cymene, and gamma-terpinenecan, which makes it perfect for including as a dietary supplement in your everyday lifestyle. The benefits of Thyme Vitality oil make it an essential ingredient in Longevity™ essential oil blend, Inner Defense®, ParaFree™, and Rehemogen™.” Some common uses include adding a drop to a pasta dish or to an appetizer dip.
Mountain Savory – According to Young Living’s website, “[t]he mountain savory plant has been used as a culinary herb for centuries and has a strong flavor that is reminiscent of oregano. This perennial herb is native to warm, temperate regions of southern Europe and the Mediterranean. [It] is steam distilled from the flowering plant and can be a welcome addition to both your pantry and your daily essential oil dietary supplementation. Mountain Savory Vitality oil has many health benefits, including immune support, cleansing properties, and delivering powerful antioxidants.” Some common uses include “[a]dd[ing] it to meats, beans, or stuffing to impart a spicy, herbeceous flavor” and “add[ing] a drop […] to hot tea [with some] “Blue Agave or Slique® Essence™” to “sweeten” it up.
Though I haven’t tried it yet, I ordered this one thanks to my iTovi scanner. I will definately have it give it a try. How about you?
Jade Lemon – According to Young Living’s website, you can “has a unique lemon-lime taste that is a favorite beverage infusion. When used in culinary applications, Jade Lemon Vitality adds a wonderfully bright flavor and invigorates the senses. A surprisingly delicious ingredient in baked treats, Jade Lemon Vitality can liven up any recipe that can benefit from a citrusy kick of character.” Some common uses include adding a drop or two to “your next frozen yogurt treat,” “[a]dd[ing] 4 drops […] to a pitcher of sun tea for an exotic warm weather beverage,” and “[c]ombin[ing] 1 drop of […] to your next 2-oz. serving of NingXia Red® for a flavorful mixer.”
If I remember correctly, I received my Jade Lemon (nonlabeled) Bottle as a freebie with one of my monthly orders. As far as using it, I have yet, but I certainly plan on doing so within the next couple of days. Since we are at this scrapbook retreat, I will probably get anyone who wants to give it a try too.
Tangerine – According to Young Living’s website, “is one of the sweetest flavors of all our citrus Vitality oils. Bringing complex citrus notes to savory dishes and desserts, Tangerine Vitality essential oil is a bright, tangy addition in the kitchen. More than just another citrus essential oil, Tangerine Vitality oil includes naturally occurring limonene and is an important ingredient in Citrus Fresh™, Joy™, Inner Child™, Peace & Calming®, NingXia Red®, Slique® Essence, and Super C™.”
I enjoy it every day in my daily doses of NingXia Red®, Slique® Essence, and Super C™. Tangerine is also one I have gotten as a freebie with my monthly orders throughout the years of being a member. It’s mainly when one orders a Home Diffuser of which you receive a free bottle of Tangerine and Peppermint Essential Oils. I had a Vitality labeled bottle but I gave my brother-in-law several bottles to take home to his mom, and I think that made it into his stash for her.
JuvaFlex – According to Young Living’s website, it is “[f]eatured in our Golden Touch 1™ Collection, [where it] […] combines Fennel, Geranium, Rosemary, Roman Chamomile, Blue Tansy, and Helichrysum essential oils. A beneficial complement to other supportive dietary blends, JuvaFlex Vitality can help support a healthy lifestyle regimen when taken internally.” Some common uses include “[t]aking as a dietary supplement daily to support overall wellness” and “[a]dd[ing] to your favorite green smoothie or juice with JuvaPower to get the most out of this antioxidant vegetable powder complex.”
As with the two Citrus Essential Oils for this post, I only have this one in the NONLABELED as well. Though no fear, it is considered part of Young Living’s Vitality Line. I have this particular thanks to Young Living’s Golden Touch 1™ Collection. Sadly, I haven’t gotten around to using it, but after my research for this post, I’m about to.
There you go, my “Vitality vs. Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 3” post. Hope you enjoyed and learned a lot as I have.
Have any questions about today’s “Oily Thursday” “Vitality vs. Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 3” post or Young Living Essential Oils? Please feel free to comment below. Ready to make it yourself but need the oils? Visit my personal Young Living website here. Want to sign up to be a consultant and receive gifts, discounts and more? Click here. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Need a place to getaway for the weekend? Check out Memory Lane Inn! It would be an awesome place to have an ‘Oily Weekend Party!’
Crafty JBird
**As with any over the counter medicines or prescription, a specific essential oil may work great for me, but not so much for you. I am not a doctor, just someone who uses essential oils on a daily basis and loves them. These are recommendations, as it is a trial and error type process to find what works best for you. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.**
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