**For this post series you will see both, the LABELED Vitality Essential Oils Bottles and the NONLABELED Vitality/Regular Essential Oils Bottles. In this post I have the LABELED ones and a couple of NONLABELED ones. I do not have all the labeled ones and won’t purchase until I have used up all my others and/or when I have a need for a specific one.**
As I mentioned in the first post of this series, the number one question I see asked about Young Living’s Vitality Line is ‘What’s the difference between the Vitality and Regular labeled bottles?’ Well, the simple answer is the Vitality Line labeled bottles are FDA approved. Both bottles, for example, Lemon/Lemon Vitality Essential Oil, contains the same things within their bottles; it’s only the labels on the outside that make them different. The FDA approval makes it show they are safe for ingestion. These bottles were first introduced in 2016, so since I became a member of Young Living in 2014, I have lots of the ‘ingestion safe’ essential oils in my ever-growing stash.
Again, Young Living has separated their Vitality Line into four groups: Herb, Spices, Citrus, and Supplement Vitality Essential Oils. In this post, we have two spice and two herbs Vitality Essential Oil. For the citrus group we have one, and supplement group we have two. Within my stash, I only have the Herbs as a Vitality Essential Oil.
Carrot Seed – According to Young Living’s website, “is distilled from the seeds and aerial parts of wild carrots. With many of the same constituents as the carrots from which it’s derived, Carrot Seed Vitality oil’s benefits may include supporting health and well-being.” Some common uses included “[a]dd[ing] 1-2 drops to a […] capsule and take daily as a dietary supplement to support your well-being,” [a]dd[ing] a drop to roasted vegetables for an extra earthy flavor,” and “[g]iv[ing] quinoa or wild rice a new dimension of flavor by […]” adding a few drops.
Dill – According to Young Living’s website, “provides a fresh, pungent flavor to replace fresh or dried dill in dressings and dips. Its flavor also pairs beautifully with Carrot Seed Vitality and Lemon Vitality as a flavorful ingredient for soups and stews.” Some common uses include “[a]dd[ing] 1-2 drops […] to a […] capsule and take as a dietary supplement as needed,” ” [c]ombine […] with olive oil to use as a marinade for fish and veggies,” and “[a]dd[ing] a little […] to your favorite game-day dip for a burst of flavor.”
I personally have not used either one of these ‘Spices’ internally yet, but I look forward to trying them soon!
Marjoram – According to Young Living’s website, “[n]ative to the Mediterranean region of Europe, marjoram is a popular ingredient in chicken, fish, and vegetable dishes. Its gentle and herbaceous flavor elevates dishes without overpowering other ingredients, making it a staple in many pantries around the world.” Some common uses include “[a]dd[ing] it to your favorite green juice or smoothie to help support your immune system,” [i]nfuse a bottle of extra virgin olive oil with a drop […] to make fantastic salad dressings, marinades, and bread dips,” and [t]aking as a dietary supplement before meals to help support a healthy digestive system.”
If you have read my previous post, you would know I love this essential oil! Several years ago (before the iTovi scanner came out), I got scanned with the Zyto scanner and this is one of the essential oils it recommended to take. Check out my post about it here.
Laurus Nobilis – According to Young Living’s website, “is native to the Mediterranean region and is commonly known in cooking as bay leaf. Anciently viewed as a plant of good luck, its flavor is a common addition to many soup, vegetable, and meat dishes. Common uses include “[u]s[ing] as a seasoning for soups, sauces, marinades, stews, and pickles,” [a]dd[ing] 2 drops to hot water before or after meals for [it’s] cleansing properties,” and “[a]dd[ing] it to your favorite green juice or smoothie to help support your immune system.”
Lime – According to Young Living’s website, “is prized for its ability to bring a unique citrus flavor and delicious zing to any food or beverage. Adding a few drops of Lime Vitality essential oil to your dishes is the perfect way to elevate your cooking.” Some common uses include “[a]dd[ing] 1 drop […] to a […] capsule and take daily or as need as a dietary supplement,” “[c]ombin[ing] [it] with olive oil to use as a marinade for meat and veggies,” and “[a]dd[ing] a little […] to berry dishes to complement their natural sweetness.” Though an actual lime tastes horrrible to me, I was surprises I actually liked the Lime EO the first time I tried it.
EndoFlex– According to Young Living’s website, “EndoFlex™ Vitality™ is great for [k]eep[ing] up with your overall wellness and day-to-day schedule. Young Living’s EndoFlex Vitality essential oil uses a base of sesame seed oil and adds our proprietary blend of essential oils for wellness support.” Some common uses include “[a]dd[ing] a drop or two to 2-4 oz. of NingXia Red® for a quick shot of this blend,”[c]ombin[ing] a drop of oil with a large cup of warm tea or tall glass of water,” and “[c]reat[ing] a drink that uplifts and invigorates by adding EndoFlex to our sparkling NingXia Zyng™. Use this essential oil-infused beverage to jump-start the day or make it through the afternoon slump.”
This is also one of my favorite Essential Oils, as most days I take it in a capsule for all it’s great benefits.
Frankincense – According to Young Living’s website, “has been sought after and traded since ancient times and plays a special role in many religious ceremonies. Distilled from the resin of trees in the Boswellia carterii tree family, Frankincense Vitality™ oil contains the naturally occurring constituent alpha-pinene, which is what gives it its distinctive rich, balsamic scent.” Some common uses include “[s]upport[ing] your well-being and normal cell health [by] [t]ak[ing[ [it] internally as a dietary supplement by adding 1-2 drops to a […] capsule” or “[i]f you have trouble swallowing capsules, take […] [it] internally by adding it to water, juice, or even your daily shot of NingXia Red®.
Frankincense Essential Oil/Vitality is a must need for everyone! I take it almost daily for all it’s great benefits.
There you go, my “Vitality vs. Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 4” post. Hope you enjoyed and learned a lot as I have.
Have any questions about today’s “Oily Thursday” “Vitality vs. Regular Essential Oils Bottles Part 4” post or Young Living Essential Oils? Please feel free to comment below. Ready to make it yourself but need the oils? Visit my personal Young Living website here. Want to sign up to be a consultant and receive gifts, discounts and more? Click here. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!
Need a place to getaway for the weekend? Check out Memory Lane Inn! It would be an awesome place to have an ‘Oily Weekend Party!’
Crafty JBird
**As with any over the counter medicines or prescription, a specific essential oil may work great for me, but not so much for you. I am not a doctor, just someone who uses essential oils on a daily basis and loves them. These are recommendations, as it is a trial and error type process to find what works best for you. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.**
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