Young Living’s Starter Kit Part 10

Wow! Oily Thursday!!

YAY! It’s Thursday which means one more day time the weekend! Which also means I now have less than a week until I take my test. I truly don’t know what I would do without my Young Living Essential Oils to keep me at bay. It’s not even test day, and I’m already getting nervous! Anyways, today I will be giving an overview of the Essential Oils included and Diffuser options you get when you purchase the Young Living Starter Kit. Let’s get started with “Young Living’s Starter Kit Part 10…”

All of the information for the Essential Oils under “Used For” and “Ways To Use” come from the “Essential Oils pocket reference” Sixth Edition (May 2014).  The “Recipes” are based on what I use them for and I have made shared all of them in previous posts. All the information for the Diffuser Options under “Description” and “Prime Benefits” came from Young Living’s website. The “Coverage” came from the diffusers manual, while the “Time On” information came from either the manual or experience.

Essential Oils Included Review:

Young Living's Starter Kit Part 10 -- Visit for more info...

Here I have created a chart reviewing what I have talked about in previous posts during my series. This chart shows the Essential Oils that are included that are not in their FDA approved bottles. Check back or be sure to sign up for the emails so you never miss a post. I’ll make a post explaining what the difference (or not do much) are between the two different labels.

Though I have some recipes listed for usage, these are my own recipes and the way I use them.  I use Purification and R.C., however; I don’t use them that often in combination with anything else. There are lots of combinations for them, I just haven’t particularly used them myself.

To find out my “Great Nights Sleep Potion” you can check it out here.

Hilton Hotels

Vitality Essential Oils Included:

Young Living's Starter Kit Part 10 -- Visit for more info...

To get you started Young Living’s Starter Kit also comes with a few of the Vitality Essential Oils. Though these are ‘ingestible approved,’ these days I usually keep my vitality bottles in my on-the-go oils bag for those moments of need. If we are out and about, I have my Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint Vitality Oils to make me a “Seasonal Issues” capsule; but then I could easily turn around and apply Lavender to a blister forming from doing a lot of walking. It’s a win-win situation.

Diffuser Options:

Young Living's Starter Kit Part 10 -- Visit for more info...

Here is a chart I creating showing the four different diffusers you pick from when you order your Young Living Starter Kit. As I have stated previously on my diffuser options posts (Part 8 and Part 9 of this series), I absolutely love my Aria and Rainstone Diffuser. As for my Home and Dewdrop, I keep one of my Home Diffusers in my travel bag so I’ll always have one with me when we go out of town. My Dewdrop one, it’s just basically for emergencies now. In other words, who knows when I’ll use it again.

There you go. An overview of the ‘important’ items that come in Young Living’s Stater Kit. Hope you enjoyed. Be sure if you haven’t read my other parts of this series to go back and read them to learn more.

Have any questions about Young Living Essential Oils? Please feel free to comment below. Still not sure about making the purchase? Visit my personal Young Living website here. Ready to make the purchase and want to sign up to be a consultant, receive free gifts, discounts and more? Click here. Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again!

Crafty JBird

**As with any over the counter medicines or prescription, a specific essential oil may work great for me; but not so much for you. I am not a doctor, just someone who uses essential oils on a daily basis and loves them. These are recommendations, as it is a trial and error type process to find what works best for you. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.**

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